Defense Association of Anglophone Quebec – DAAQ

About The DAAQ

April 17, 2009


D.A.A.Q. Mission Statement


It is the mission of the Defense Association of Anglophone Quebec to:


Regain the status as equals for the linguistic minority population in our home Province of Quebec.

Equals in a province where thousands of Anglophone families have lived since prior to the formation of Canada as a nation.

Our home, where our ancestors contributed, lived and died building Quebec’s great cities. Farmed its land, and worked in its factories; side by side with our French speaking brethren.  

Through the medium of the instant communication and globalization age we will expose to the world that the Anglophone communities of Quebec have only two choices. That they are, by law, “change or leave”.

Have our constitutional rights, as Canadians, enforced without condition in The Province of Quebec.


The D.A.A.Q. will:


·         Expose the Government of Quebec to the world for its continued eradication of the Anglophone culture and communities of Quebec.

·         Expose the Government of Canada to the world for abandoning the Anglophone minority of Quebec.

·         End legalized discrimination and unconstitutional enforcement of unilingualism inside the Canadian Province of Quebec.

·         Expose companies, corporations, and businesses that do not acknowledge the  Anglophone minority of Quebec. Companies that reject the Anglophone community by taking part in Office of the French Language campaigns to alienate Anglophone business owners and consumers. Companies that refuse to post English signage in Anglophone communities. We will achieve this through exposure to all international consumers as well as new and continued boycotts.

·         Disrupt Quebec nationalists, independentists, sovereigntists spreading of hatred, lies and revisionist history. Expose the violence they glorify and commit.

·         Expose the harassment of both the French and English speaking communities of Quebec by the elitist, ethnocentric society and laws of Quebec.  

·         Expose these issues from inside and outside Quebec.

·         Promote the unity of a bilingual Canada.



On August 26, 1977 “Bill 101” (The Charter of the French language) became law. This was the darkest day in the history of the Province of Quebec and Canada as a nation. It was the day discrimination became law in a Canadian province.


This legislation has been the symbol of second class citizenship for the linguistic minorities of Quebec for over three decades.

 It is time for the entire world to know!


 It is time all of Canada’s provinces and territories are educated.


Educated that the issue isn’t “The French”. It is “Quebec nationalists”. It is persons who profess to be of the “pure language”. That perpetuate and encourage the eradication of linguistic minorities inside the province by asserting the “change or leave” policies of The Charter. Persons that glorify and commit violence, harassment and educate Francophone youth in the ideology of cultural supremacy. Persons that hold the entire province hostage with their tactics of intimidation and bullying of the majority Francophone and minority Anglophone communities of Quebec. In turn create a negative image of the province as a whole.


We will expose through our online network of members and supporters to the entire world that the Quebec nationalists (independentists, sovereigntists, isolationists), are in the minority of the majority inside Quebec. Yet wield influence by the aforementioned tactics of the threat of violence.


We will shame Quebec for allowing ethnocentric policies to continue to exist. And we will shame the federal government for allowing the deprivation of rights to continue inside the province.


We will show the world that federal politicians have long been willing to sacrifice an entire community in order to obtain seats in the House of Commons. (Quebec holds 75 seats. A large portion of these seats are essential in order for a party to obtain a majority under the Canadian Parliamentary system).


The D.A.A.Q. will educate the world to Canada’s “dirty little secret”. The D.A.A.Q. will stand up for equality. We will never rely upon the filtered Canadian media which relies on government grants and yields to federal censorship. The media that would have us labelled a “fringe group”, “extremist” without knowing our mandate or policies. Or even caring for that matter because we are not “status-quo”.


So we will continue to reject the Canadian media for one reason – They have become irrelevant.


Our message:

The Government of Quebec, The Government of Canada, the nationalist groups of Quebec have officially been put on notice.


We are no longer your sacrificial lambs. We are no longer;  “les maudit anglais”, “les traitres” or “les ethniques”!




The D.A.A.Q. is a provincial, national, and international association of Anglophone, Francophone and Allophone Canadians from the Province of Quebec; who strive to achieve equality under the provincial laws of Quebec. As well as have our rights as Canadian Citizens enforced without compromise, or hindrance within the Province of Quebec.

13 Responses to “About The DAAQ”

  1. Angela said

    Please join us so that we can all unite to fight for our rights !

    Let all of your English friends know to !

  2. tony morgese said

    are there any plans in motion to mobilse our efforts so we can stop this english bashing nonsense going on these days…..i would recomend the formation of yet another political party in quebec that would stand up fo canadian values such as as bilingualism and demand our respect as canadian citizens at the national assembly …i feel that the time is right ,i believe we are in store fo a minority goverment in quebec and even a modest representation – i would think we can easily elect close to ten mna’s- could go a long way in restoring our respect….

  3. Whatever said

    Growing up in Quebec wasn’t easy, I surprise myself that I still live here sometimes… Sorry but I strongly prefer English culture, despite going to French school until the end of high school, since it’s the only one that doesn’t discriminate against Native Americans across the board…

    To separatists: Can you please tell us HONESTLY what a separate Quebec would be like? I never got a straight description of your supposed utopia. Do you realize you guys always sound very threatening and negative when you talk about your ‘dream’ of a ‘sovereign nation’? Did you know that English speaking white supremacists use the same arguments about ‘cultural protection’ in the rest of Canada, the USA, and elsewhere? Instead of ‘French’, they use the word ‘White’… so why do you use denial-based arguments when we tell you there will be a mass exodus if ever you tried forming a country?

    To other Canadians outside Quebec: I honestly would like you to help eliminate a threat to Canada’s existence. Please move to Quebec if you have the chance! If enough Canadians from other provinces move here, we can defeat the separatists by denying them a third referendum, or if they even dare hold one, have more than enough people vote NO to end their hate movement once and for all. You could even help eliminate the language laws. Just by moving here, you would horrify the separatists by putting their hate filled dreams in jeopardy. I know it might sound crazy, but it’s still Canada over here, and not that bad when you take the separatist movement out of the equation. Don’t worry, they haven’t (yet) formed goon squads or even a secret police… lets make sure they never do! The satisfaction of being on the spot to watch their awful cause die would be priceless, I assure you!

    Signed by an Angry Native American / French Canadian that adopted Anglo-Canadian culture (the ‘Quebecois’ one I grew up in wasn’t very welcoming…)

  4. J Gauthier said

    Being an Anglophone living in Quebec all my life I can sympathize with the message this site is trying to send. I have often pondered the complacent attitude of many people I know (both English and French) regarding the oppressive nature of nationalism in Quebec.
    People that are the target of victimization often default to the attitude of “it’s not ideal but others have it much worse”. Of course this is true (look at the legal oppression of Natives in Canada) but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fight for our rights! How often have you come across the attitude of assimilate or leave? This IS MY HOME TOO!!
    Nationalists have no remotely valid land or ideological claims to expel me from my home. I am English and French and both sides of my family have root spanning hundred of years in this province! Why does sense and reason seem to lose time and time again here?
    It’s truly mind boggling question especially since if these nationalists would look a bit closer at what they are a proponent for, they would realize that these laws and attitudes cripple francophones as well! The world is incredibly globalized everyday and language skills are essential. By limiting, by law, the facility to learn a new language (especially when you are surrounded by English speaking populations) you cripple people so they cannot move anywhere (or even be successful in Quebec for that matter)…and while I am aware that this is exactly what the nationalists want, it also reflects a pathetically small minded view.

    I love Quebec. J’aime la langue francaise (comme beaucoups d’autre ici, la moité de ma famille est francophone). This my home and I have no intention of ever leaving. Vive la Quebec unifiée!!!

  5. dadad said

    you are not nationalists but imperialists since your culture is NOT threatened in this province you assholes. if it was, why then you get that mega hospital when you are only 8%?? we pay taxes to serve you!! get out of our land and kiss your fucking queen.

    • tony nero said

      with a name like Dadad, i can presume you are like myself, a person who chose to come to Canada,not the country of Quebec, for a better life…..i think you should be grateful as I am that Canada, not Quebec took us in and gave us this opportunity for a better life…but i can see by what you posted that you did not think this through….first of all that 8% is much higher when you include all the allophones who unlike yourself are grateful for the opportunity of residing in Canada and that we also pay taxes … I might presume in a higher proportion than what you and your vulgar seperatists pay- I’m not including all seperatists here, for a great majority of them don’t share your vulgar attitudes… so we deserve that hospital, which I might add will be curing many grateful francophones and ungratful ones like you….i think that vulgar and ungrateful people such as you are should be the ones to pack up and leave and go kiss the f—–g dictator that made you want to seek a better life for yourself….peace to all

  6. Alex B said

    Hi the canadian Constitution Foundation-Ottawa Chapter is having an event on dec 8 regarding the topic of constitutional rights associated with bilinguism. We would like to have someone to argue in favor of Anglophones rights in Québec anc accross Canada. Please contact us at if you can suggest a speaker

  7. equality4all said

    Hey Stephan… please elaborate on your position. I fail to see any racism or expressions of hatred on any of these posts. Again, a nationalist such as yourself is going to start having to back up your points with actual facts now that the world is being woken up about this. It’s the same as declaring myself heavy weight champion of the world. Just because I said it, doesn’t make it so. See what I mean there top gun. Facts seppie, facts. The whoa is us, poor majority stuff isn’t quite cutting it anymore. I have NO problem with Francophone’s (I would have to hate half my family if that were the case) my problem is with nationalists that actually do spread hatred and intolerance. Fact Stephan, use facts. And not fabricated ones you heard on Radio Quebec or Parti Quebecois approved “jistory books”. Back up what you’re saying.

  8. Arthur Tremblay said

    Bonjour Émile!

    Content de revoir de tes nouvelles.

    D’autant plus content de savoir que nous serons à la même manifestation, mais pas du même côté.

    J’ai hâte de pouvoir discuter avec toi le 11 mai.

    À bientôt,


  9. Emile Reiff said


    Je suis né en Belgique et j’habite maintenant au Canada. Dans mon pays d’origine, nous avons des problèmes semblables avec des séparatistes et des extrémistes de la langue.

    I will be at the CDPQ on May 11 and will film these RRQ bastards. Let me know if you want to see the footage.


  10. Stephan said

    This site is just lies on lies. Whatever who is the owner, he is a patetic close-of-mind. A Me, myself and I who prefere himself to the respect of an entire people. The DAAQ organisation is just violence and racism.

    It makes me sick.

    Nous Vaincrons!

  11. Steve Blainey said

    Of course these idiots from the RRQ are going to be arrested soon if we simply make shit get blammed on them. They are violent french/white supremacists.

  12. Suomy Nona said

    I don’t know if anyone has seen the Michel Brule video on It is a masterpiece of garbage. He made a music video titled “Poubelle” which means garbage can. In this video the lyrics are similar to the hate in his book and interview in Le Metro newspaper. This man lacks talent in the extreme and is unashamed to be seen gyrating with his face twisted into some kind of snarl. In the video there is a toilet which appears to be spewing diarrhea out of it and then into the mess he drops the flags of Canada, the United States and Britain. Truly low class. This stomach churner can be viewed on youtube by typing into the search criteria: michel brule.

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