Defense Association of Anglophone Quebec – DAAQ

Archive for August, 2009

Posted by Membership Admin. on August 13, 2009

Press Release:

The Real Question: When?

At a recent meeting of the D.A.A.Q. an off the cuff question was posed by a member- it was as follows…. “When will a provincial party come along that stands for all Quebecers?”

This question was posed by a member of a Francophone and Anglophone background.

In respect to Quebec politics. Culture. Economics. Life today. This question was indeed profound.

Which led all of us to ponder – when? When will one man or one woman stand up and lead that charge? One that takes up the cause of ALL Quebecers. Francophone. Anglophone. First Nations. Allophone. Everyone! When?

As the economic power in Canada shifts from Ontario and Quebec to the west and even east-what kind of message are we still sending from our province? We need to understand – no longer is it “business as usual”.

As the economics shift, mindsets change. Here we are-stuck in the 1970’s. Politically, economically, AND socially. Some in the 1770’s! Old divisions. Old mistrusts. Old ways. It is as ridiculous as Ontario’s refusal to accept they are no longer calling the shots for the nation.

This province is silently crying out for a party that is not one of individual interest. Not one that speaks only for the majority. Not one that speaks only for minorities. One that speaks for everyone!

A message needs to be sent from Quebec City to the remainder of our great federation:

-We are Quebecers and we are Canadians.

-We are here to contribute.  

-In our province, we speak French by a majority, but do not exclude anyone.

-In our province we have many people from many cultures that have contributed to make this the greatest place in Canada.

-Everyone is welcome, without conditions based on outdated fears, to come here and enjoy being part of our wonderful and unique culture.

We’ll be sure to finally stop listening to the P.Q. The party that polls Quebecers in only their own ridings. Contrary to the P.Q.’s statistics – actual polls indicate an overwhelming majority of Quebecers are “over” the separation issue. It’s dead. Not even the P.Q. and B.Q. can come up with new empty promises justifying economic and cultural isolationism. (A.K.A. national-socialism).

Why can we not move on? We’re not totally certain. We do know – there exists realities of this decade. This century. Realities that hinder us in our great province because the wrong people continue to lie their way to power. “The remainder of Canada will negotiate with us [Quebec] the morning after a vote for sovereignty”. Although our provincial government has rebuked every effort to unify our nation for 40 years. Although Canada as a nation moves forward in becoming a fully bilingual nation. Despite our [Quebec’s] almost universal rejection of any inclusive initiatives – Canada will negotiate with us?

What an insane philosophy and concept that the nationalists and elitists share and sell.

Yet many of the masses continue to believe this, and reject anything deemed or considered “Canadian/Canadien”. What an unreal place we call home.

No longer can we afford the image we’ve been giving off for decades – isolationist protectionism reigns supreme. It is time for our change! It’s not only all of Canada that sees this ridiculous act of ignoring reality – it’s now the entire world.

It’s time for this pretend country nonsense to stop!

Quebec City has become the “National Capital” – what country is that? Can we please stop this game of make believe and get back to rebuilding our great province, in turn helping ALL Canadians rebuild our great country.

No longer should Quebec be a place of blissful ignorance or acceptable discrimination.

Le Messager eliminating English print because it is “cost effective’? Show us where in Canada a provincially funded campaign of “Here we conduct business in English” has begun?

Should the role have been reversed outside Quebec the cries of “foul” would be deafening. As it should be!

But in our province the road has been paved for forty years now – a road that allows for these types of occurrences to considered “acceptable”.

Indeed it is time for our change. When? When is our time? We cannot wait for a savior. They’re not coming. Our time is NOW. To speak with two voices, one English and one French – together – saying the same thing, “we’ve had enough!”
The D.A.A.Q. is a provincial, national, and international association of Anglophone, Francophone and Allophone Canadians in and from the Province of Quebec; who strive to achieve equality under the provincial laws of Quebec. As well as have our rights as Canadian Citizens enforced without compromise, or hindrance within the Province of Quebec.

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