Defense Association of Anglophone Quebec – DAAQ

Press Release: A Canada Day PROMISE From The D.A.A.Q.

Posted by Membership Admin. on June 6, 2009

We are all aware of a group that The D.A.A.Q. will no longer refer to by name.

A group who flirts with sedition. A group whose rallies are comical. Their propaganda inherently flawed and nonfactual. Their national-socialist positions well known. Their version of history corrupted and fictional. 

A group who in a feeble attempt to bolster their numbers in public, have jumped into the proverbial “bed” with another violent organization of miscreants. A group who glorifies the acts of domestic terrorism of decades past.

What do we take seriously from this group? That they have successfully used the threat of violence in the past to gain attention and impose their will on the public.

Now in their cross hairs – Canada Day.

They have made and posted statements that they intend to “obstruct” Canada Day celebrations in Quebec. They intend to “return Canadian flags to the Prime Minister” on July 2.

They intend to rally in Ottawa to protest there being Canada Day celebrations in Quebec.

Imagine that – Canada Day celebrations in a mutually benefiting and contributing province of Canada? What an outlandish concept!

The D.A.A.Q. has received several emails and reports from our dozens of members that attend “section” (cell) gatherings of this group.

Despite the groups numbers being on the decline – all reports state the rhetoric is becoming far more militant and violent in nature at these gatherings than they were even in the recent past. They appear no longer willing to put this type of rhetoric into print for public consumption. Perhaps due to the financial backlash of the past year.

Word of mouth, social networks and personal blogs now seem to be their preferred method of uttering direct and indirect threats.

What remains is their willingness to use the threat of violence. How long before they act on it? Who knows? One thing for certain – law enforcement has yet to do anything about it – and the D.A.A.Q. is doubtful that Quebec law enforcement ever will.

While we recognize their right to freedom of thought and speech – The D.A.A.Q. will NOT tolerate what we view as a potential attack(s) on our country. All of our country!

English speaking. French speaking. Canada belongs to us all. Canada- the nation that Quebec is very much a part of. A nation that Quebec has democratically decided to remain a part of, twice!

We’re beginning to believe this group did not get the memo.

Here is our PROMISE:

We will not be intimidated! We will not tolerate theft, willful damage or destruction of property. Most of all we will not tolerate violence!

We will not tolerate attacks on, obstruction of, or threats against persons and property celebrating all of our nation’s birthday!

The D.A.A.Q will never act outside the parameters of the law. However should this group finally take that next step to domestic terrorism – we WILL defend ourselves.  We will defend our property – our own persons – and people under attack.  

Removal of flags will not be tolerated and those that attempt to do so will be stopped and reported to police.

We know who you are. We know individual’s intentions. We know names. We will go to all law enforcement bodies until someone listens. Whether that be local, provincial, national, or international. You will be held accountable! Your leaders will be held accountable!

The D.A.A.Q. will assist law enforcement to tie anyone affiliated with this group to the directives given by their leadership that result in any of the aforementioned acts.

To those whom intend to follow these militant “leaders” – They will only have you wind up in prison. You are being misled, lied to and used.

Think thoroughly before you commit an act of vandalism, damage or violence. And remember – your “leaders” have NO intention of ever  joining you in prison.

The majority of Quebecers do not agree with you and your leader’s national-socialist vision.

If you do not want to be a part of your country, that is your right. If that is your current position-our suggestion…. find something else to do July 1st. 

There will no longer be carte blanche for nationalist extremists!

We will see to that. You have our word!

25 Responses to “Press Release: A Canada Day PROMISE From The D.A.A.Q.”

  1. mauditanglais said

    Math wrote: “ON a bien hate de vous voir le 1er juillet,venez en grand nombres…si vous avez du courage bien sur.”

    Interesting, considering your group chooses Quebec city every year as the site of your make-believe revolution. You must encounter quite a bit of resistence from the two dozen or so senior citizens who celebrate Cnada Day.

    I’m honestly curious, when will you fellas grow a collective pair and come try your act in Montreal? I’m sure we’d all have a lot of fun!

  2. Math said

    ON a bien hate de vous voir le 1er juillet,venez en grand nombres…si vous avez du courage bien sur.

    Chose dont je doute profondement étant donner que tous ce que vous savez faire c’est essayer de copier le SCRS et la GRC avec bcp moin de budget….en restant cacher derriere vos appareil photos 😛

    Mon courriel est

    I have nothing to hide!

    • CDN-Quebecer said

      Sure thing there bud. You should change that email to Because that’s what you are. A traitor to your country. And don’t give me this “Quebec is a country” bullshit. It’s not. It never will be. Quebecers have decided to remain a part of Canada twice. Too bad they don’t teach that to you in the French school board system because that is a fact. You are a disgusting traitor. You make me sick.

      • Math said

        Je suis content que tu me déteste.

        Et ton escuse que le peuple a choisit le NOn tien pas la route. Surtout quand on sait que Ottawa a utiliser la corruption a tous les nivau et qu’ILs onts manipulés nos amis allophones durant le dernier référendum((tu te souvien, vote NOn et obtien la citoyenneté..sick!))…imagine ce qu’on a pas vu durant le premier hein.

        Le canada c’est un pays de vendu…vous défendez que du vent.

        Tu viendras me donner une lecon de patriotisme quand vous aurez kicker out la monarchie britannique et quand vous aurez fonder votre Canada de vous mêmes sans laissez les autres le faire a votre place.

        Thank you good sir!

      • S&T said

        Since you have only posted the “Yes” vote perspective on the last referendum, let me post the “No” perspective for you. As I’m sure you can appreciate, there are two sides to every story.

        After the vote, at each polling station, a scrutineer counted the ballots while a secretary recorded the result of the count. According to the referendum legislation, the scrutineer was appointed by the “Yes” committee, while the secretary was appointed by the “No” committee. When the counting was completed, approximately 86,000 ballots were rejected by scrutineers as “spoiled ballots”, meaning that they had not been marked properly by the voter.
        Controversy subsequently arose over whether the scrutineers of the Chomedey, Marguerite-Bourgeois and Laurier-Dorion ridings had rejected numerous ballots without valid reasons, mostly by being overly-strict on what marks voters could use to indicate their choices (for instance, rejecting ballots with check-marks or “X”s that were crooked, too large, made with a pen instead of a pencil, etc.). In these ridings the “No” vote was dominant, and the proportion of rejected ballots was 12%, 5.5% and 3.6%.In the riding of Chomedey, an average of 1 of every 9 ballots were rejected.
        Thomas Mulcair, member of the Quebec National Assembly for Chomedey, told reporters after the vote there was “an orchestrated attempt to steal the vote” in his riding.
        Adding to the growing controversy, a study released months after the referendum by respected McGill University sociologist Maurice Pinard, statistician Janusz Kaczorowski and lawyer Andrew Orkin, concluded that ridings with a greater amount of “No” votes had a higher percentage of rejected ballots.
        In July 1996, the Montreal Gazette made a request to obtain access to the thousands of rejected ballots, but was denied by Pierre F. Cote.
        Grenier’s report said some witnesses he heard wanted to testify about illegal spending by the “Yes” side, specifically about a group founded in the spring of 1995, the “Conseil de la souverainete du Québec”. Grenier concluded his mandate did not extend to probing that body’s finances.

        Although the Grenier report found significantly less overspending by the “No” side than the $5 million that Normand Lester and Robin Philpot, co-authors of the book “The Secrets of Option Canada”, had alleged, Lester used Grenier’s findings to encourage a complete federal investigation into the matter, especially into funding for the “Unity Rally”.The Montreal Gazette, in an article published on May 30, 2007, claimed that the government of Quebec may have also been illegally spending money, possibly more than Option Canada spent, into supporting the “Yes” side through government departments, a series of studies, and in various other ways.
        Not to mention the way the question was worded in order to try and trick Anglos and Allophones. Also, the TRUE FOUNDERS (First Nations) do not wish to separate from Canada either. Do the Nationalists even care about that?
        We do not hate you Math, we do not hate separatists. What we hate is although WE RESPECT that you’re entitled to your opinions, although we disagree on this issue, Nationalists should RESPECT OURS! Learn to deal with it as it will be a long time before/if Quebec ever separates. It’s time you learned to get along with others you may not agree with.

      • Math said

        Ouin c’est sa…le Canada aime tellement ses première nation qui les ont foutu dans des réserves, voler leur terres et les ont abandonner a l’autodestructrions.

        Heureusement qui a encore des amérindiens fier dans ses nations la qui se tiennent debout et qui assurent que leur cultures ne soit pas totalement assimilé par les salopard d’Ottawa.

        Pour ce qui est du scandale dans le camps du OUi….c’est pour sa qui nous faut des observateur neutre et internationaux advenant un autre référendum. Et svp faite moi pas croire que le conseil de la souverainté avait plus de cash que le camp du Non….ils avaient pas bay street et le voleur du gouvernement canadian de leur bord eux.

        Pour terminer ont a pas vraiment l’intention de vous détruire,car vous avez le plein droit d’exister, c’est pas le but de la démcoratie non?…Mais sa nous empêchez pas de rire de vos illusions d’anglo opprimer qui se croient dans l’allemagne nazis d’hitler.

      • S&T said

        Canada is in negotiations for land settlements with the First Nations, something Nationalists wouldn’t be so willing to do. Nationalists seem to think they can take ALL land in today’s Quebec. Sorry but it doesn’t belong to Francophones. You’re immigrants and you came and laid claim to land that belonged to the Natives! Canada must be doing something right as I mentioned, First Nations DO NOT WANT TO SEPARATE. That means THEY WISH TO REMAIN IN CANADA. Not sure what you’re misunderstanding here. I also believe the French were here prior to the English, shoving the Natives into reserves, trying to convert them to Christianity (which they didn’t want) and passed laws making it illegal to marry Natives. Using Native women basically as slaves, to do their cooking, serve as their mistresses etc…Keep going, as I said before, there are two sides to every story, not just the Nationlist revisionist history mon ami.
        I have a lot of respect for First Nations personally and hope they get what is rightfully theirs from Canada. I went to school with many Natives and I respect their right to self-determination and their language and own schools. And I do view it as a problem that they do not have adequate funding for their schools and reserves.
        At least we can agree on something, we do need neutral scrutineers and not people from the Yes side.
        You could laugh all you want, the same as we laugh at your “we are the minority of Canada and need more rights”. You already have all the rights you need. Oh poor us, our language will disappear…LOL. You guys have managed to make yourselves the laughing stock of Canada…Now there’s something to be proud of! At least Anglophones of Quebec (the official minority) have been recognized by the UN as having their rights “unconstitutionally removed”. As well as those of the First Nations, yet Nationlists tout “on est ouvert sur le monde”, yea whatever! Provincially Quebec has more power than any other province, why is it that the minorities (Anglo and First Nations) are so oppressed? Now there’s history to be proud of!!! As for Germany and Hitler, no one ever makes that comparison but the Francophones. I guess you guys are fully conscious that you are oppressing your minorities here in Quebec right?

    • S&T said

      You must be confusing the DAAQ with your organization, the RRQ. Why would you be waiting for DAAQ members, to join the festivities, grab a beer and exchange pleasantries? Oh, that’s right, all the RRQ knows how to do is threaten violence, so we know what your agenda would be. If you take a look at the DAAQ, they clearly state here and in their mission statement “The D.A.A.Q will never act outside the parameters of the law”. It may somehow make you proud to incite violence on others but this is not the DAAQ, it is the RRQ way.
      Like the playground bully, if you don’t give us our country, we’ll beat you, or hurt you every way we can in order to get it. This is actually quite sad as I thought members of the RRQ were supposed to be adults, not juvenile deliquents!
      Now stop wasting our time, and yours, and go troll other groups.

      • Mtl Anglo said

        You said:
        Et ton escuse que le peuple a choisit le NOn tien pas la route. Surtout quand on sait que Ottawa a utiliser la corruption a tous les nivau et qu’ILs onts manipulés nos amis allophones durant le dernier référendum((tu te souvien, vote NOn et obtien la citoyenneté..sick!))…

        is that any better than making them sign a waiver to function only in french in Quebec?

    • CDN-Quebecer said

      Pole smokin’ tard.

    • CDN-Quebecer said

      Math, where do you come up with this garbage? Think for yourself, stop quoting the RRQ. You’re making yourself look dumber than you are.

    • take it easy guys, I’m immigrant, and all this subject is nothing but a pointless joke.
      Stop losing your time, and go science, study, and go for the future of an integrated Amerique du Nord!

      As an immigrant, I’m part of a minority, and minorities are NEVER separatist. Sorry if this hurts somebody.



      Because, I don’t come to a country ready to accept that some guys want to destroy it and convert it in the “shit” that our countries of origin are.

      It is typical that incompetent corrupt politicians of provinces try to separate the livestock, because they cannot compete fairly.
      This happens all over latin america (=shit), for example on “Provincia de Buenos Aires/Argentina”.
      Corrupt politicians from Province of Buenos Aires, created some years ago the “Buenos Aires Flag” whis was nothing but an insult to the nation.
      They insisted in separate Buenos Aires from the Rest of the nation, because separating a province from the main district (federal district) it the easiest way to attack the population of the province setting the corruption all over the place. This politicians tried to immerse Buenos Aires in the drug trafficking and so on.

      Of course that this guys finally failed on the purpose of separating Buenos Aires and they loosed they power and were never re-elected. Corrupts and ignorants.

      So separating Quebec from the rest, is the worst possible scenario for all the francophones of the Province!
      It is a sign that some Quebec local politicians are completely incompetent, and rather than educating themselves and educating the people, they prefer to ruing their people moral by selling that history of inferiority! Which of course is not true.

      I think french is a beautiful language, same than english, and the richness that make Quebec unique in the world is precisely the bilingualism.

      As a newcomer I totally accept the idea of become a “soldier” to represent Quebec and consequently Canada and defend its interests in the world by making quality products, working hard, and essentially do what the Quebequers appears to have forgotten how is made -> “having children”. But not even dream that the new hordes of immigrants will put our energy on this pointless game of separatism.

      • Defense Association Anglophone Quebec said

        First I’d like to welcome you to Canada and our beautiful province of Quebec! Also, to our DAAQ blog.
        We are looking for an integrated North America, which is why we exist. To show the extremists, who wish to separate our country that we will stand together to ensure this does not happen! Whether we speak different languages, are of different cultures etc…We want a multicultural, pluralistic society!
        I also have to agree with your proposal that the governments continue the linguistic divide between Quebec national extremists and the rest of the Québécois population! We are also of the opinion, we are all equals and wish to move on in our pluralistic, inclusive society and build a stronger united Quebec!

      • Thanks.
        I was a little upset at the moment of writing my previous message. Five minutes of exposition to the subject of separatism were enough for me.

        In a romantic vision of the future I always thought that freedom was going to be mandatory.
        But after reading the “Law 101″… some minutes ago… I finish singing the Alphaville chorus “should I stay here at the zoo? or should I change my point of view of other ugly scenes?”.

        Perhaps… “Quebec Holocaust” resembling the Nazi one, should be a good expression to define the intentions of these extremists and their “Law 101”.

        I suppose that printing in a newspaper the slogan “Say no to the Quebec Holocaust”… should not be legal/possible on this context, but sending it by the web may help people to identify who their politicians really are and what is the ultimate idea behind killing one freedom today, another freedom tomorrow… and so on.

        Even in Latin America you can choose the language in which your children will rise, without being “criminalized” by the government.

        So I think the natural path is that the Law 101 gets derogated someday.
        The main question for me is… what conditions should be needed to avoid forcing people to do things by law?
        What conditions should be in place to avoid that the scared people that set that “law” (to avoid getting extinct) start respecting basic human rights like choosing the main language of your own family?


  3. CDN-Quebecer said

    If I catch any of those a$$holes doing anything like that. Theres going to be a SERIOUS misunderstanding!!!!!!!!

  4. Jonathan said

    Arrêtez donc de pleurer. Putain ces anglais! Vous êtes à vomir…

  5. Gébé Tremblay said

    “The nice think, the group is filled with all cultures!”

    You’ve been watching Star Trek to much.

    They all speak english. One culture.

    A scotish and russian accent in a multicultural Enterprise in 2232 is the fantasy of a immature brain.

    Go back to U.K.

    • Defense Association Anglophone Quebec said

      Are you denying that there are Francophone Federalists Gebe? Maybe you should get out a little more.

    • CDN-Quebecer said

      Going to keep waving around that little fleur de lys and calling yourself “special” Gebe? Oh you’re special alright. The laughing stock of the francophone world.

      As a French Citizen said to me the other day, “they (you Quebec nationalists) will love themselves into an empty house. All alone and no one willing to talk to them anymore”. That is EXACTLY what will happen. Will the Yanks save you? Canada? France? (HAHAHAHAHA!) Idiot!

      You tell us to go to the UK. Why, I’m not British? Well I would like to get into a 5th grade level remark competition with you and tell you to go somewhere away from Canada (Quebec is Canada by the way), but I don’t think anyone, regardless of ethnicity would want you. C’est dommage. Bonne chance.

    • Mtl Anglo said

      Oh Gebe… you acknowledge the English have a culture? I would have thought you’d be too busy saving and protecting your own from the horrible threat of the big, bad Anglais.

    • CDN-Quebecer said

      Go back to France. See how much they deal with your bitching.

  6. S&T said

    I heard about their “plans”. If you go to Facebook, there is a group against this, I think it’s called, Keep Canada Day celebrations in Quebec. I was actually surprised to see the number of members of the group as I was invited to it when it was first created and the numbers have gone up significantly over the past two days. The nice thing is, the group is filled with all cultures! I guess Federalism is still alive and well. We, as Quebecers should ban together and finally let our governments know what WE, the people want! I think it is great that so many are responding!
    We’ll see you all out there on Canada Day!!!!

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