Defense Association of Anglophone Quebec – DAAQ

Press Release: The D.A.A.Q. Joins Forces With The APQ!

Posted by Membership Admin. on November 27, 2009

A weekend meeting at an undisclosed location leaders and members of The Defense Association of Anglophone Quebec met with leaders of The Anglophone Patriots of Quebec.

 The meeting lasting over five hours reached a close with handshakes and warm embraces [by the over 50 representatives and attendees from both organizations] when it was agreed that The DAAQ and The APQ would join forces to help raise awareness via all mediums to the world of the plight of Anglophone Quebec. Raise international awareness of the ethnocentric laws of Quebec. Help end the continued attempt to eradicate the remaining Anglophone communities of Quebec. As well as Bill 101’s attempt to assimilate the Anglophone minority and youth of Quebec. It was also decided that a physical presence is necessary. With the joining of the two organizations-with their combined size that-“now is that time“.

 When asked what their plan was the leader of the APQ [identifying them self only as FUPQ1] said, “it’s becoming clear to the nation that what has been going on in Quebec for over 40 years is a paper version of ethnic cleansing. Together we will stop that. Our strategy is to harass, disrupt, and challenge”. When asked to comment on the recent statements of the Quebeker Party (The P.Q.) regarding language FUPQ1 went on to say, “These pigs led by Pauline “Hitler” Marois are showing their true colours yet again. Thankfully they’re beginning to show their true objectives and real cause-eliminating communities of a identifiable group and a language that has existed in Quebec of as long as French. That is their cause. That has always been their cause. Pigs. They are pigs”.

 When asked about initiatives of the RRQ, SSJB, JPQ, The Quebec Militia and other militant groups-another individual [identifying them self only as KS, leader of The APQ Gaspe Region] stated with finger raised and steady voice, “if these pigs intend to continue with their shenanigans and soap box spewing of hatred-we [The APQ] will be there to meet them. We don’t even need to entice our members with booze. [A clear jab at the tactic used by RRQ leader Patrick Bourgeois to entice RRQ members to attend their rallies]. “We have no fear. We have no apathy. We are tired sick of this **** and if it’s the streets they need to be met on to get the message, the streets it will be!”. KS went on to say-“Lord knows the federal and provincial governments pretend we don’t exist, we have to let them know we’re here-and we’re fed up with this bull****!”.

 While speaking with a group of five leaders one on one-they went on to collectively state through FUPQ1, “We will defend our communities. Our homes. Our businesses, our culture, and our language-period”. When asked at what cost, the response was as clear as it was sincere, “We won’t throw the first punch, ever. But we will not take it on the chin over and over anymore. The apathy of Anglophone Quebec has been disgusting to say the least. But when you have it taught to you that you are “bad”, “evil”, “maudit anglais”-you are hardwired to start believing it. You’ll start acting that way. With a slight hint of sarcasm “KS” went on to say: “Be sure to show the tail between your legs when asked direct questions regarding rights”. An unidentified attendee continued, “It’s disgusting what has been done to the Anglo communities and culture of Quebec. The prior generation is as guilty for this happening as the ethnocentric pigs that run the show. We will take back our rightful place in Quebec. Quebec is a society at war, where those that are supposed to be there to protect us as Canadians [The federal government] are not-we WILL be!”.

 In closing both FUPQ1 and KS both stated, “What people have to realize is our fight is not with Francophones. Our fight is with those that spread lies, and spread the disease known as “hatred” toward a people that have just as much right to be here as they [Francophone’s] do. These people facilitated our becoming second class citizens on our own country, our own province, our home. They took our rights. They fight hard to take more away. We are here to fight to get them back. If they want to continue to extort the federal government, that’s their business. We won’t be their vehicle anymore. This is about rights. This is about our culture disappearing and with those that won’t rest until we are all gone or assimilated. We’re here to tell them, its over!”.

 It would appear that Quebec’s violent militant groups such as the RRQ, JPQ, SSJB, Quebec Militia, and their political wings such as the PQ and The Bloc now actually have a real opposition-The people.

Anonymous contributor.

One Response to “Press Release: The D.A.A.Q. Joins Forces With The APQ!”

  1. Great stuff…but you guys aren’t talking enough about the role the federal government and virtually every political party represented in the federal parliament have played in the abrogation of anglo rights in Quebec. They are 10 times more responsible than anyone in Quebec.

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