Defense Association of Anglophone Quebec – DAAQ

Archive for June, 2009

Press Release: A Canada Day PROMISE From The D.A.A.Q.

Posted by Membership Admin. on June 6, 2009

We are all aware of a group that The D.A.A.Q. will no longer refer to by name.

A group who flirts with sedition. A group whose rallies are comical. Their propaganda inherently flawed and nonfactual. Their national-socialist positions well known. Their version of history corrupted and fictional. 

A group who in a feeble attempt to bolster their numbers in public, have jumped into the proverbial “bed” with another violent organization of miscreants. A group who glorifies the acts of domestic terrorism of decades past.

What do we take seriously from this group? That they have successfully used the threat of violence in the past to gain attention and impose their will on the public.

Now in their cross hairs – Canada Day.

They have made and posted statements that they intend to “obstruct” Canada Day celebrations in Quebec. They intend to “return Canadian flags to the Prime Minister” on July 2.

They intend to rally in Ottawa to protest there being Canada Day celebrations in Quebec.

Imagine that – Canada Day celebrations in a mutually benefiting and contributing province of Canada? What an outlandish concept!

The D.A.A.Q. has received several emails and reports from our dozens of members that attend “section” (cell) gatherings of this group.

Despite the groups numbers being on the decline – all reports state the rhetoric is becoming far more militant and violent in nature at these gatherings than they were even in the recent past. They appear no longer willing to put this type of rhetoric into print for public consumption. Perhaps due to the financial backlash of the past year.

Word of mouth, social networks and personal blogs now seem to be their preferred method of uttering direct and indirect threats.

What remains is their willingness to use the threat of violence. How long before they act on it? Who knows? One thing for certain – law enforcement has yet to do anything about it – and the D.A.A.Q. is doubtful that Quebec law enforcement ever will.

While we recognize their right to freedom of thought and speech – The D.A.A.Q. will NOT tolerate what we view as a potential attack(s) on our country. All of our country!

English speaking. French speaking. Canada belongs to us all. Canada- the nation that Quebec is very much a part of. A nation that Quebec has democratically decided to remain a part of, twice!

We’re beginning to believe this group did not get the memo.

Here is our PROMISE:

We will not be intimidated! We will not tolerate theft, willful damage or destruction of property. Most of all we will not tolerate violence!

We will not tolerate attacks on, obstruction of, or threats against persons and property celebrating all of our nation’s birthday!

The D.A.A.Q will never act outside the parameters of the law. However should this group finally take that next step to domestic terrorism – we WILL defend ourselves.  We will defend our property – our own persons – and people under attack.  

Removal of flags will not be tolerated and those that attempt to do so will be stopped and reported to police.

We know who you are. We know individual’s intentions. We know names. We will go to all law enforcement bodies until someone listens. Whether that be local, provincial, national, or international. You will be held accountable! Your leaders will be held accountable!

The D.A.A.Q. will assist law enforcement to tie anyone affiliated with this group to the directives given by their leadership that result in any of the aforementioned acts.

To those whom intend to follow these militant “leaders” – They will only have you wind up in prison. You are being misled, lied to and used.

Think thoroughly before you commit an act of vandalism, damage or violence. And remember – your “leaders” have NO intention of ever  joining you in prison.

The majority of Quebecers do not agree with you and your leader’s national-socialist vision.

If you do not want to be a part of your country, that is your right. If that is your current position-our suggestion…. find something else to do July 1st. 

There will no longer be carte blanche for nationalist extremists!

We will see to that. You have our word!

Posted in A Canada Day PROMISE From The D.A.A.Q. | 25 Comments »