Defense Association of Anglophone Quebec – DAAQ

Press Release: The D.A.A.Q. Joins Forces With The APQ!

Posted by Membership Admin. on November 27, 2009

A weekend meeting at an undisclosed location leaders and members of The Defense Association of Anglophone Quebec met with leaders of The Anglophone Patriots of Quebec.

 The meeting lasting over five hours reached a close with handshakes and warm embraces [by the over 50 representatives and attendees from both organizations] when it was agreed that The DAAQ and The APQ would join forces to help raise awareness via all mediums to the world of the plight of Anglophone Quebec. Raise international awareness of the ethnocentric laws of Quebec. Help end the continued attempt to eradicate the remaining Anglophone communities of Quebec. As well as Bill 101’s attempt to assimilate the Anglophone minority and youth of Quebec. It was also decided that a physical presence is necessary. With the joining of the two organizations-with their combined size that-“now is that time“.

 When asked what their plan was the leader of the APQ [identifying them self only as FUPQ1] said, “it’s becoming clear to the nation that what has been going on in Quebec for over 40 years is a paper version of ethnic cleansing. Together we will stop that. Our strategy is to harass, disrupt, and challenge”. When asked to comment on the recent statements of the Quebeker Party (The P.Q.) regarding language FUPQ1 went on to say, “These pigs led by Pauline “Hitler” Marois are showing their true colours yet again. Thankfully they’re beginning to show their true objectives and real cause-eliminating communities of a identifiable group and a language that has existed in Quebec of as long as French. That is their cause. That has always been their cause. Pigs. They are pigs”.

 When asked about initiatives of the RRQ, SSJB, JPQ, The Quebec Militia and other militant groups-another individual [identifying them self only as KS, leader of The APQ Gaspe Region] stated with finger raised and steady voice, “if these pigs intend to continue with their shenanigans and soap box spewing of hatred-we [The APQ] will be there to meet them. We don’t even need to entice our members with booze. [A clear jab at the tactic used by RRQ leader Patrick Bourgeois to entice RRQ members to attend their rallies]. “We have no fear. We have no apathy. We are tired sick of this **** and if it’s the streets they need to be met on to get the message, the streets it will be!”. KS went on to say-“Lord knows the federal and provincial governments pretend we don’t exist, we have to let them know we’re here-and we’re fed up with this bull****!”.

 While speaking with a group of five leaders one on one-they went on to collectively state through FUPQ1, “We will defend our communities. Our homes. Our businesses, our culture, and our language-period”. When asked at what cost, the response was as clear as it was sincere, “We won’t throw the first punch, ever. But we will not take it on the chin over and over anymore. The apathy of Anglophone Quebec has been disgusting to say the least. But when you have it taught to you that you are “bad”, “evil”, “maudit anglais”-you are hardwired to start believing it. You’ll start acting that way. With a slight hint of sarcasm “KS” went on to say: “Be sure to show the tail between your legs when asked direct questions regarding rights”. An unidentified attendee continued, “It’s disgusting what has been done to the Anglo communities and culture of Quebec. The prior generation is as guilty for this happening as the ethnocentric pigs that run the show. We will take back our rightful place in Quebec. Quebec is a society at war, where those that are supposed to be there to protect us as Canadians [The federal government] are not-we WILL be!”.

 In closing both FUPQ1 and KS both stated, “What people have to realize is our fight is not with Francophones. Our fight is with those that spread lies, and spread the disease known as “hatred” toward a people that have just as much right to be here as they [Francophone’s] do. These people facilitated our becoming second class citizens on our own country, our own province, our home. They took our rights. They fight hard to take more away. We are here to fight to get them back. If they want to continue to extort the federal government, that’s their business. We won’t be their vehicle anymore. This is about rights. This is about our culture disappearing and with those that won’t rest until we are all gone or assimilated. We’re here to tell them, its over!”.

 It would appear that Quebec’s violent militant groups such as the RRQ, JPQ, SSJB, Quebec Militia, and their political wings such as the PQ and The Bloc now actually have a real opposition-The people.

Anonymous contributor.

Posted in The D.A.A.Q. Joins Forces With The APQ! | 1 Comment »

Posted by Membership Admin. on August 13, 2009

Press Release:

The Real Question: When?

At a recent meeting of the D.A.A.Q. an off the cuff question was posed by a member- it was as follows…. “When will a provincial party come along that stands for all Quebecers?”

This question was posed by a member of a Francophone and Anglophone background.

In respect to Quebec politics. Culture. Economics. Life today. This question was indeed profound.

Which led all of us to ponder – when? When will one man or one woman stand up and lead that charge? One that takes up the cause of ALL Quebecers. Francophone. Anglophone. First Nations. Allophone. Everyone! When?

As the economic power in Canada shifts from Ontario and Quebec to the west and even east-what kind of message are we still sending from our province? We need to understand – no longer is it “business as usual”.

As the economics shift, mindsets change. Here we are-stuck in the 1970’s. Politically, economically, AND socially. Some in the 1770’s! Old divisions. Old mistrusts. Old ways. It is as ridiculous as Ontario’s refusal to accept they are no longer calling the shots for the nation.

This province is silently crying out for a party that is not one of individual interest. Not one that speaks only for the majority. Not one that speaks only for minorities. One that speaks for everyone!

A message needs to be sent from Quebec City to the remainder of our great federation:

-We are Quebecers and we are Canadians.

-We are here to contribute.  

-In our province, we speak French by a majority, but do not exclude anyone.

-In our province we have many people from many cultures that have contributed to make this the greatest place in Canada.

-Everyone is welcome, without conditions based on outdated fears, to come here and enjoy being part of our wonderful and unique culture.

We’ll be sure to finally stop listening to the P.Q. The party that polls Quebecers in only their own ridings. Contrary to the P.Q.’s statistics – actual polls indicate an overwhelming majority of Quebecers are “over” the separation issue. It’s dead. Not even the P.Q. and B.Q. can come up with new empty promises justifying economic and cultural isolationism. (A.K.A. national-socialism).

Why can we not move on? We’re not totally certain. We do know – there exists realities of this decade. This century. Realities that hinder us in our great province because the wrong people continue to lie their way to power. “The remainder of Canada will negotiate with us [Quebec] the morning after a vote for sovereignty”. Although our provincial government has rebuked every effort to unify our nation for 40 years. Although Canada as a nation moves forward in becoming a fully bilingual nation. Despite our [Quebec’s] almost universal rejection of any inclusive initiatives – Canada will negotiate with us?

What an insane philosophy and concept that the nationalists and elitists share and sell.

Yet many of the masses continue to believe this, and reject anything deemed or considered “Canadian/Canadien”. What an unreal place we call home.

No longer can we afford the image we’ve been giving off for decades – isolationist protectionism reigns supreme. It is time for our change! It’s not only all of Canada that sees this ridiculous act of ignoring reality – it’s now the entire world.

It’s time for this pretend country nonsense to stop!

Quebec City has become the “National Capital” – what country is that? Can we please stop this game of make believe and get back to rebuilding our great province, in turn helping ALL Canadians rebuild our great country.

No longer should Quebec be a place of blissful ignorance or acceptable discrimination.

Le Messager eliminating English print because it is “cost effective’? Show us where in Canada a provincially funded campaign of “Here we conduct business in English” has begun?

Should the role have been reversed outside Quebec the cries of “foul” would be deafening. As it should be!

But in our province the road has been paved for forty years now – a road that allows for these types of occurrences to considered “acceptable”.

Indeed it is time for our change. When? When is our time? We cannot wait for a savior. They’re not coming. Our time is NOW. To speak with two voices, one English and one French – together – saying the same thing, “we’ve had enough!”
The D.A.A.Q. is a provincial, national, and international association of Anglophone, Francophone and Allophone Canadians in and from the Province of Quebec; who strive to achieve equality under the provincial laws of Quebec. As well as have our rights as Canadian Citizens enforced without compromise, or hindrance within the Province of Quebec.

Posted in The real question: When? | 5 Comments »

Press Release: A Canada Day PROMISE From The D.A.A.Q.

Posted by Membership Admin. on June 6, 2009

We are all aware of a group that The D.A.A.Q. will no longer refer to by name.

A group who flirts with sedition. A group whose rallies are comical. Their propaganda inherently flawed and nonfactual. Their national-socialist positions well known. Their version of history corrupted and fictional. 

A group who in a feeble attempt to bolster their numbers in public, have jumped into the proverbial “bed” with another violent organization of miscreants. A group who glorifies the acts of domestic terrorism of decades past.

What do we take seriously from this group? That they have successfully used the threat of violence in the past to gain attention and impose their will on the public.

Now in their cross hairs – Canada Day.

They have made and posted statements that they intend to “obstruct” Canada Day celebrations in Quebec. They intend to “return Canadian flags to the Prime Minister” on July 2.

They intend to rally in Ottawa to protest there being Canada Day celebrations in Quebec.

Imagine that – Canada Day celebrations in a mutually benefiting and contributing province of Canada? What an outlandish concept!

The D.A.A.Q. has received several emails and reports from our dozens of members that attend “section” (cell) gatherings of this group.

Despite the groups numbers being on the decline – all reports state the rhetoric is becoming far more militant and violent in nature at these gatherings than they were even in the recent past. They appear no longer willing to put this type of rhetoric into print for public consumption. Perhaps due to the financial backlash of the past year.

Word of mouth, social networks and personal blogs now seem to be their preferred method of uttering direct and indirect threats.

What remains is their willingness to use the threat of violence. How long before they act on it? Who knows? One thing for certain – law enforcement has yet to do anything about it – and the D.A.A.Q. is doubtful that Quebec law enforcement ever will.

While we recognize their right to freedom of thought and speech – The D.A.A.Q. will NOT tolerate what we view as a potential attack(s) on our country. All of our country!

English speaking. French speaking. Canada belongs to us all. Canada- the nation that Quebec is very much a part of. A nation that Quebec has democratically decided to remain a part of, twice!

We’re beginning to believe this group did not get the memo.

Here is our PROMISE:

We will not be intimidated! We will not tolerate theft, willful damage or destruction of property. Most of all we will not tolerate violence!

We will not tolerate attacks on, obstruction of, or threats against persons and property celebrating all of our nation’s birthday!

The D.A.A.Q will never act outside the parameters of the law. However should this group finally take that next step to domestic terrorism – we WILL defend ourselves.  We will defend our property – our own persons – and people under attack.  

Removal of flags will not be tolerated and those that attempt to do so will be stopped and reported to police.

We know who you are. We know individual’s intentions. We know names. We will go to all law enforcement bodies until someone listens. Whether that be local, provincial, national, or international. You will be held accountable! Your leaders will be held accountable!

The D.A.A.Q. will assist law enforcement to tie anyone affiliated with this group to the directives given by their leadership that result in any of the aforementioned acts.

To those whom intend to follow these militant “leaders” – They will only have you wind up in prison. You are being misled, lied to and used.

Think thoroughly before you commit an act of vandalism, damage or violence. And remember – your “leaders” have NO intention of ever  joining you in prison.

The majority of Quebecers do not agree with you and your leader’s national-socialist vision.

If you do not want to be a part of your country, that is your right. If that is your current position-our suggestion…. find something else to do July 1st. 

There will no longer be carte blanche for nationalist extremists!

We will see to that. You have our word!

Posted in A Canada Day PROMISE From The D.A.A.Q. | 25 Comments »

Press Release: R.R.Q. “Assault” On the Caisse-Much Ado about Nothing

Posted by Membership Admin. on May 13, 2009

The R.R.Q. planned “assault” on the Caisses’ Montreal offices Monday (May 11th) turned out to be nothing more than a lot of hot air.

Well not “a lot” as it appeared no one was really listening anyway.

Roughly 100-125 members of the R.R.Q. and the Young Patriots of Quebec (sporting new colours for the day) turned out to mill about on the streets of Montreal Monday afternoon.

In all fairness roughly 5 or 6 people did stand by to wait for the procession to pass so they could continue on to their personal destinations. We would assume they may have heard something provided their IPods weren’t on at that particular moment and time.

Small numbers of the R.R.Q. and Young Patriot faithful came out-perhaps due to the promise of libations that were used enticed many of them there. Others due to having completed exams. While others still-simply to kill some time before their next cheque is issued and mailed from municipal coffers.

Nonetheless a fun day out for a few of Quebec’s Marxist-Socialist/Anglophobe foot soldiers.

The rally began with the usual megaphone banter. Hastily marked pieces of cardboard. Some flags. A few “Quebec is a country” left-over tees from the last referendum in 1995.

However those belting out anti-Anglophone rhetoric could barely be heard over their own “followers” who were engaged in personal conversations. Some about the NHL playoffs. Predictions. Who has the best team to go the distance. Others discussing the downfall of the Habs. Who should coach? Who needs to be moved and signed? Talks about new girlfriends-boyfriends. Some discussing what part of Canada they intend to move to after graduation in order to seek gainful employment and so on.

From time to time a weak chorus of “Anglo go home” mixed in for good ‘ol nationalist measure.

Then the moment came. The order to march. More like a request really. “Who wants to march to the building?” (en français of course) came the battle cry.

We began to move toward the Caisse.

With the accepted number being between 100-125 present-that would make 10-15% of the group D.A.A.Q. members. A warm “you’re welcome” for bolstering the appearance of the numbers for you, Patrick.

While passing yawning police we walked toward what we presumed was to be the “assault”. But alas-once we arrived it was more muffled talk. A few speeches that no one really seemed too interested in. More milling around, and private conversations.

Then it came like a shot! Ears perked. Eyes began to wander. What was it? What was it that could take the attention away from Quebec’s greatest minds ready to lead the charge to a new autonomous country? What could possibly be the thing bidding for the attentions of Quebec’s great new and independent future?… A Mentos Mints launch party.

The nationalist movement – done in by adults and children jumping around on big red rubber balls in what appeared to be white HazMat suits. Belting out music, singing and laughing. Dropping Mentos Mints into bottles of cola. As well as other fun activities.

Some began to strain to get a glimpse of what was happening down the street. Until some could no longer resist the urge to go and join the fun. Several D.A.A.Q. members reported seeing R.R.Q. and Young Patriot members had joined in the “minty fun”. Some even engaging D.A.A.Q. members in conversation, and making no mention of the “other” rally they had just been at.

Only one small incident – A few D.A.A.Q. members noted a bystander being accosted by two very “matter of fact” young men from the R.R.Q. We can only assume they were from the R.R.Q. due to their R.R.Q. tee-shirts, in unison step by step pace and the identical Fisher-Price walkie talkies they had in their possession.

They demanded to know what organization the bicycle rider was from. A D.A.A.Q. member moved closer and noted that the bystander then told them (en français) to “go away” and not bother him. They (the R.R.Q. “security”) then got on their radios, mumbled something and the bike rider left at his own pace.

No D.A.A.Q. members were confronted in any manner during the entire R.R.Q. event. We gathered several hundred photos and much video. Without hindrance or notice.

So what are we to take from all of this?

Is the R.R.Q. still a threat to the peace? After the events surrounding The Plains Part Deux, we believe they are.

Who will be their next “target”? Anglophone communities? The National Assembly? Mentos Mints? Who knows?

The one thing we did learn-It does not appear likely that they could even organize a drinking contest in the La Militante brewery.

But we will remain vigil.

Posted in RRQ - Much ado about nothing | 1 Comment »

Update: Boycott List

Posted by Membership Admin. on May 7, 2009

The list of businesses that advertise in nationalist supporting newspapers has been updated and posted to the D.A.A.Q. site.

We encourage members, supporters, the Anglophone, Francophone, and Allophone communities as a whole to continue to boycott these and all companies that buy advertising space in newspapers that endorse, advertise for, print articles by and support Quebec nationalism.

The D.A.A.Q. also encourages Quebecers to continue to boycott businesses that display the O.L.F. “ici on commerce en francais” (Here we do business in French!) campaign stickers. This is a yet another clear statement by the O.L.F. that English has no place in Quebec society.

We of the D.A.A.Q. disagree. Fully.

While continuing the struggle to end the attempt to eradicate the English language from Quebec-The D.A.A.Q. is currently working on a campaign to encourage Quebec businesses to endorse bilingualism inside the work place. This will be a solid step forward in establishing Quebec as a leader within Canada.

End the legislation of language. Make all Quebecers equals, under the law!

A Quebec of equality will be a stronger Quebec!

A Quebec of equality will set the standard for a unified Canada!

A Quebec of equality will be an example for the world!

Posted in List of Companies on D.A.A.Q Boycott | Leave a Comment »

D.A.A.Q Boycott List

Posted by Membership Admin. on May 7, 2009

In order to access the D.A.A.Q’s comprehensive list of companies in our boycott, click on the D.A.A.Q Boycott tab.

Posted in List of Companies on D.A.A.Q Boycott | 1 Comment »


Posted by Membership Admin. on May 3, 2009

Ici on commerce en francais

Local Montreal businesses that have requested to be removed from our boycott list have been given official notice from the D.A.A.Q. They have been informed they will only be removed once their stores, businesses and/or corporations stop yielding to the directives of the government controlled, monolingual language enforcement body-The Office of the French Language.

The O.L.F. stickers must first be removed. If it is a corporate chain (whether an independently operated franchise or not) all stores must have removed the stickers prior to being removed from the D.A.A.Q. boycott list.

The D.A.A.Q. continues to support the bilingualism of services, businesses, and work places across the province and country.


According to sources-The R.R.Q. continues to move forward with its planned “protest” of the Caisse in Montreal. The “protest” remains planned for 12pm-2pm on Monday May the 11th at Caisse de depot et placement, 1000 Place Jean-Paul Riopelle.

D.A.A.Q. members that will be present to document persons and activities are urged to use discretion and common sense when surrounding themselves with these self professed “militants”. They are unpredictable, and operate with relative immunity from Quebec law enforcement.

Our sources inside the R.R.Q. have indicated there is still much confusion within the R.R.Q. itself. Confusion as to what exactly the protest is about-which means they will likely be disorganized.

R.R.Q. members are simply being instructed to “show up and protest”. Nothing much further than that.

The lack of leadership and guidance by the R.R.Q. will likely continue to the 11th of May. This will easily lead to R.R.Q. members acting autonomously-in turn committing acts of violence and vandalism.

Please refrain from engaging R.R.Q. members when they are committing acts of violence and/or civil disobedience.

Document all you see and take photographs of each individual.

*Recording devices and cameras will be issued the morning of May 11th in Montreal.

Fighting the Sale of Hate Literature

The D.A.A.Q. will continue to air our concerns to Toronto based, and publicly traded, Chapters/Indigo regarding the sale of the book “ANGLAID” by author, Quebec nationalist, and Anglophobe, Michel Brule.

Thus far, members have reported that Chapters/Indigo has been dismissive of concerns expressed to them regarding their sale of hate literature. Via replying to concerns with standard letters-and no follow up despite promises to do so.

Another seller of this hate literature is Quebec based Renaud-Bray.

Renaud-Bray refuses to respond to any concerns whatsoever regarding the sale of this book. In either of Canada’s official languages. English or French.

We encourage members to continue to raise awareness and concern regarding the sale of hate literature in Canada by these companies.

Contact information for these companies can be found on the D.A.A.Q. site/blog.

D.A.A.Q. members will continue to send letters to Canada’s trading partners regarding the government and law enforcement refusing to put an immediate halt to the sale of hate literature. Contrary to Canadian federal law.

We also encourage our International members to continue to inform people in their respective countries of residence that the sale of hate literature in Canada remains unabated. This includes friends, neighbours, and co-workers. Especially those that intend to travel to Canada.

Please continue to write letters to your government(s) to raise awareness of this unlawful and immoral conduct the Canadian government attempts to keep from the world’s eyes and ears.

The D.A.A.Q. is a provincial, national, and international association of Anglophone, Francophone and Allophone Canadians in and from the Province of Quebec; who strive to achieve equality under the provincial laws of Quebec. As well as have our rights as Canadian Citizens enforced without compromise, or hindrance within the Province of Quebec.

Posted in D.A.A.Q. UPDATES | 9 Comments »

PRESS RELEASE: “Be On Your Best Behavior”

Posted by Membership Admin. on April 25, 2009

Twelve months ago, while sitting in a quiet coffee shop in New England-What was to become the executive of the D.A.A.Q. sat discussing a new “group” in Quebec.

A group calling themselves the “R.R.Q.”.

For a period of time, we were very confused. However, much to our surprise (relief) it had nothing to do with the Quebec Pension Plan (Régie des Rentes du Québec).  The actual “R.R.Q.”.

 It was a new, self-professed militant, violence advocating and utilizing, nationalist group. “Reseau de reistance du Quebecois”.

At that time very little was known about them aside from their poor choice in a name and their new leaders/spokespersons.

Men who were somewhat known to the Anglophone and Allophone community of Quebec.  The editor and head stooge of the nationalist rag, The Quebecker. Militant, anti-Canadian, and amateur brewmeister, Patrick Bourgeois. With shadows of the cultural supremest, historical revisionist, Anglophobe/”film maker”, Pierre Farladeau.

Since the Plains of Abraham Part Deux, Canada has become aware of their method of protest. Threats of violence.

The R.R.Q. (not the pension plan) issued threats to some residents of Ontario and Quebec directly. Perspective tourists, citizens of the United States and the United Kingdom, were indirectly threatened-should they attend the re-enactment that was to be held this year. Via the R.R.Q. promising a “welcome they would not soon forget”. And a “promise” to find new uses for bayonets against visitors.

Much needed tourist dollars were clearly a sacrifice the R.R.Q. (not the pension plan) was willing to make on behalf of Quebec City businesses and residents.

This was so outlandish that even mainstream nationalist groups (you know, the one’s that will collect pensions from the government they so openly reject, Canada) The Bloc Quebecois and Parti-Quebecois withdrew their advertising from the rag, The Quebecker.

While this organization would generally be laughable, its threats of violence are not. So now, they have our attention.

The R.R.Q. (not the pension plan) uses a method long used by the white supremacist movements in Canada, The United States and Europe.

 They prey upon disenfranchised youth. Young people seeking some sense of belonging. High school drop outs. Unemployed, lower middle class youth looking for someone to blame. As well as university students full of misplaced ideologies, seeking direction.

Enter charismatic, 30-something to middle aged men, with large vocabularies, a “news” rag and a few film’s (paid for with government grants) under their belt. Throw in a few “us versus them” into the pot-Recipe for recruitment complete.

Well, it appears that our “friends” of the R.R.Q. (not the pension plan) are embarking on a protest. Planned for noon on Monday, May 11th outside the Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec. Which they have stated will be an “assault” on the Caisse.

What is it they are “protesting” is unclear. They insist that they’ll “force their plan to be implemented”. But have never offered any “plan”. Or even alluded to what it entails. Clearly just another attempt to grandstand.

They are very opposed to something. (Although we all know it’s the fact that a “maudit anglais” in running the show). They seem very angry with the Caisse.

Please allow us to offer some irony… They (The R.R.Q.-not the pension plan) wish to blame the machine operator for the faulty machine breaking. Not the engineer that designed it. Nor the team that put the machine together. Who was the engineer, and team that designed and put it together?… That’s right, Jacques “The money is gone, next question” Parizeau and the Parti-Quebecois!

We would suggest the R.R.Q (not the pension plan) get in touch with one of the rag The Quebecker’s major financial and “literary” contributor Jacques Parizeau. Perhaps discuss fault with him? Irony, sweet irony. We’re sure you have his number.

Nonetheless the R.R.Q.’s threats of violence are a very serious matter. So we are here to let them know that D.A.A.Q. will be there May 11th as well.

But there is a twist. We know who you are. But you have no idea who we are. We are among you. We, unlike a majority of your membership, are bilingual. We have adapted. And we will overcome the second class citizenship, organizations like yours keep alive.


You will not know who the person standing beside you is. Shouting beside you, only stopping to take pictures of you. Hidden cameras hard at work. Documenting what you do. What you say. To show the world what the Canadian government has not allowed them to see for three decades. We live in Quebec. We live outside of Quebec. We live around the world. And the D.A.A.Q. will expose you. And there is nothing you can do about it.

Your “sections” have been infiltrated. Quebec City, Montreal, Gatineau, Levis, Therese-de-Blaineville, cegeps, universities, place of work and leisure-everywhere. Quite easily, and quickly.

We see you, and we hear what you say behind closed doors.

While we honour and respect their right to free speech. However convoluted and warped it is. We recognize The R.R.Q. has only seen success by using the threat of violence. And we firmly believe that is what they will use now in every event. They must be stopped before it becomes acts of violence.

Unlike The R.R.Q. we do not, nor will we ever advocate, incite, act upon, or encourage violence. So we of the D.A.A.Q. will continue to be unlike you, babies throwing their toys out of their strollers.

We will achieve equality in what is our home too, Quebec. Peacefully. We will expose you and people like you to the world, peacefully.

We look like you. We sound like you. Where ever you are spreading hatred, cultural supremacy, revisionist history, intolerance and lies. We’ll be there. Watching and documenting. The world will see you for what you are, through your own words and actions.

As your parents used to say, or at least ours did-“be on your best behaviour”.

The Canadian media can no longer censor what the world gets to know about people like you, and abrogated rights for Anglophone and Allophones of Quebec. 

Canada’s dirty little secret is going viral and global. Welcome aboard.

You’ll see us on May 11th. Oh wait, no you won’t. But we’ll see you.


The D.A.A.Q.


Il y a 12 mois, on était assis dans un café tranquille au Nouveau Angleterre – qu’est-ce qui est devenu l’exécutive de D.A.A.Q., en discutant un nouvel groupe au Québec.

Un groupe qui s’appelle le R.R.Q.

Pour un période, nous étions confus. Toutefois, à notre grande surprise (soulagement) il n’y avait rien liée avec le plan de pension du Québec. (Régie des Rentes du Québec). Le réel RRQ.

 Il est un nouveau groupe de militants, prône à la violence et son glorification, groupe nationaliste “Réseau de Resistance du Québec.

À ce temps, très peu était connue d’eux à part de leur mauvais choix de nom, leurs dirigeants et porte-parole.

Hommes qui ont était un peu connu par la communauté Anglophone et Allophone au Québec. Le rédacteur et chef comparse de feuille de choux nationaliste; The Quebecker (Le Québécois). Militant, anti-Canadien et amateur, Patrick Bourgeois. Avec l’ombre de suprématie culturel, historique  révisionniste, Anglophobe/ « cinéaste», Pierre Farladeau.

Depuis les plaines d’Abraham – Partie Deux, Canada à devenu conscient de leur méthodes de protestation. Menaces et violence.

Le RRQ (pas plan de retraite) à émis des menaces au quelques résidents d’Ontario et Québec directement. Touristes perspectives, citoyens des États-Unis, Royaume-Uni, ont était indirectement menacer-s’ils se présent à la réanimation qui à était lieu cette année. Le RRQ ont promis « un bienvenue qu’ils n’oubliaient pas bientôt». Et une “promesse” de trouver des nouveaux usages pour des baïonnettes contre les visiteurs.

L’argent touristique nécessaire était clairement un sacrifice que le RRQ (pas le plan de retraite) était disposé à faire de la part des commerces et résidents du Ville de Québec.

Il était si étrange que même les nationalistes de courant dominant (tu sais, celles qui collecta les pensions du gouvernement et qui rejette ouvertement, Canada), Le Bloc Québécois et Parti-Québécois ont retiré leur annonces de cette feuille de choux, The Quebecker.

Tant que cette organisation serait généralement ridicule, ses menaces ne sont pas. Alors maintenant, ils ont notre attention.

Le RRQ (pas le plan de retraite) utilise une méthode longtemps utilisé par les mouvements blanc suprématiste au Canada, les États-Unis et l’Europe.

Ils se proie des jeunes. Les jeunes cherchant un certain sens d’appartenir. Des jeunes qui laissent tomber école. Chômeurs, jeunesse de la petite bourgeoisie recherchant quelqu’un pour blâmer. Ainsi que les étudiants universitaires plein des idéologies mal placées,  qui cherche la direction.

Entrer les hommes charismatique des trentaines à moyen-âge avec de grands vocabulaires, un «presse» et un couple des films (payer par les subventions du gouvernement) sous leur ceinture. Jet un couples des “nous contre eux” dans le pot pour le recrutement complet.

Il s’avère que nos «amis» du RRQ (pas le plan de retraite) s’embarquent sur une protestation. Prévu pour midi, Lundi, le 11 mai à l’extérieur du Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec. Ce qu’ils ont énoncé soyez un « assaut » sur le Caisse. 

Ce qu’ils protestent n’est pas clair. Ils insistent qu’ils “appliquaient leur plans”, mais n’ont jamais offert un « plan » ou même à ce qu’il nécessite. Clairement juste une autre tentative à la tribune.

Ils sont très opposés à quelque chose. (Bien que nous sachions c’est le fait qu’un «maudit anglais» est en charge). Ils semblent très fâchés avec le Caisse.

SVP permettez-nous d’offrir de l’ironie…Ils (le RRQ – pas le plan de retraite) tente de blâmer l’operateur de la rupture défectueuse de machine. Pas l’ingénieur qui l’a conçu, ni l’équipe qui a remonté la machine.

Qui était l’ingénieur, et l’équipe qui l’a conçu et a remonté? … C’est exact, Jacques «l’argent est dépensé, prochaine question ” Parizeau et le Parti-Québécois!

Nous suggérions que le RRQ (pas le plan de retraite) contactions la feuille de choux The Quebecer’s les contribuant financiers et « littéraires » principaux Jacques Parizeau. Peut-être discutez le défaut avec lui?  Ironie, ironie pur. Nous sommes sûrs que vous avez ses coordonées.

Néanmoins les menaces de la violence de R.R.Q. sont une question très sérieuse. Donc, nous sommes ici pour leur laisser savoir que le D.A.A.Q. soyez là, le 11 mai aussi.

Mais il y a une torsion. Nous savons qui vous êtes. Mais vous n’avez aucune idée qui nous sommes. Nous sommes parmi toi. Nous, à la différence d’une majorité de votre adhésion, sont  bilingue. Nous nous sommes adaptés. Et surmontera la citoyenneté de deuxième classe que les organismes comme le vôtre maintiennent vivant.

Vous ne saurez pas qui la personne se tenant près de toi. Criant près de toi, seulement cessant pour prendre des photos de toi. Appareils- photo caché au travail. Documentant ce que tu fais. Ce que tu dis. Pour montrer au monde ce que le Gouvernement Canadienne ne leur a pas permis de voir pendant trois décennies. Nous habitons au Québec. Nous vivons en dehors du Québec. Nous vivons autour du monde. Et le D.A.A.Q. vous exposera. Et il n’y a rien que vous pouvez faire à ce sujet.

Vos « sections » ont été infiltrées. Ville du Québec, Montréal, Gatineau, Levis, Thérèse-De-Blainville, cegeps, universités, endroits du travail et des loisirs-partout. Tout à fait facilement, et rapidement.

Nous vous voyons, et nous entendons ce que vous dites derrière les portes fermées.

Tandis que nous honorons et respectons leur droit libre du parole, quoiqu’il en soit convoluté et déformé lui est, nous identifient le R.R.Q. a seulement vu le succès en employant la menace de la violence. Et nous croyons fermement qu’ils l’emploieront maintenant dans chaque événement. Ils doivent être arrêtés avant que ca devienne des actes de violence.

Contrairement du R.R.Q.,  nous ne prônions pas, ni incitions jamais la violence. Ainsi nous du D.A.A.Q. continuera à être différent que toi, bébés jetant leurs jouets hors de leurs poussettes.

Nous réaliserons l’égalité dans ce qui est chez nous aussi, le Québec. Paisiblement. Nous exposerons toi et des personnes comme toi, au monde, paisiblement.

Nous ressemblons à toi. Partout où vous écartez la haine, la suprématie culturelle, l’histoire révisionniste, l’intolérance et les mensonges. Nous serons là. Observant et documentera. Le monde vous verra pour ce que vous êtes, par vos propres mots et actions.

En tant que vos parents ont dit, ou les nôtres ont dit  «soi sur votre meilleur comportement».

Les médias canadiens ne peuvent plus censurer ce que le monde finit par connaître; des personnes comme toi, et des droites abrogées des Anglophones et Allophones du Québec.

Le petit «secret sale» du Canada va viral et global. Bienvenue à bord.

Vous ne nous verrez pas le 11 mai, mais nous vous verrons.


The D.A.A.Q.

Posted in RRQ??? | 6 Comments »

Press Release: Stop Hate Literature In Its Tracks

Posted by Membership Admin. on April 22, 2009

Earlier this month a book entitled “Anglaid”, by author Michel Brule was released.

This book openly attacks Anglophones with direct, false, misleading and hate filled statements and revisionist history. The book is penned in such a manner that the reader is to interpret its slanderous falsities as facts.

It is a clear attempt by the author to spread hatred toward the Anglophone minority of Quebec-and Anglophones around the world.

This book clearly violates Canadian law-The Criminal Code of Canada, Sections 319(2) and 319(7) which clearly state:

C.C. section 319(2) makes it a crime to communicate, except in private conversation, statements that wilfully promote hatred against an identifiable group. Section 319(7) defines “communicating” to include communicating by telephone, broadcasting or other audible or visible means. “Public place” is defined to include any place to which the public has access as of right or by invitation, express or implied. “Statements” include words spoken or written or recorded electronically, electromagnetically or otherwise and also include gestures, signs or other representations.”

The D.A.A.Q. believes the author and any person(s) involved in the publication, sales or promotion of this hate literature and propaganda should be held accountable, by law.

Yesterday, the author conducted an interview with Montreal’s “Metro” in which the following was stated:
(Translated to English)

Q: We sense anger in your book.
A: “Yes, for sure. First of all, English is not a beautiful language. Intolerance and all the movements -the most extremist, racist and segregationist, is the KKK, White Power and the expression “speak white” They are all English things. They come from the US, Canada and the United Kingdom. There are none more racist than the English.”
“In my book there is a chapter called The Age of Pirates. You know how it happened at the battle on the Plaines of Abraham. The English settled themselves in Levis and shot their guns (canons). But North America is big. Why did they not look for their own little corner and leave the French quietly on their side? The history of North America is to make war with the French, to wipe out the Amer-Indians, to get rid of the Dutch by buying New Amsterdam, which became New York, to get rid of the Russians by buying Alaska. The English got rid of everyone. Is this a sign of tolerance? No.”
Q: Do you have English friends?
A: “That has no link (connection). We all have an individual personality and another collective one. If I said the Americans were a bunch of big (slang), obese, imbecilic, ignorant, uncultured, it’s the truth. But it’s sure and certain that of 303 million Americans there is about 50 million who are not like that. But collectively they are still a bunch of uncultured imbeciles. My girlfriend might be English but that has no connection. Me, in as much as Quebecois, I have my individual personality but I can also say that the collective identity of the Quebecois is of a group of softs (slang) and sheep.”
Q: What reaction are you waiting for from the public?
“I did a lot of research work for this book. I hope it becomes essential. I believe my book should be taught in the schools. But that would surprise me if that was the case, for sure not with a Prime Minister like John James Charest. We are losing the linguistic battle in Montreal and me, I want to beat that. Someone once said to me “You are against linguistic peace.” Yes I am against peace if peace means Anglicization.”
Q: What about the successes of the English?
A:”They’ve installed their dictatorship all over South America. They have killed 40 million Amer-Indians, subjected 5 million Africans to slavery, they’ve said Speak White to all the Francophone’s. What’s their success? They made wars everywhere in the name of imperialism and intolerance. I find no success in what they’ve done. They are good warriors yes. They are the biggest committers of genocide”

The author’s intentions are made vehemently clear. He wishes this historical revisionism and hate propaganda to be spread to the youth of Quebec via the school system.

While the author desperately attempts to label all Anglophone Europeans and North Americans as ethnocentric, white supremacists and narcissists. Members of the Ku Klux Klan-That Anglophones are all supporters of some form of modern imperialism-We would invite Mr. Brule to make that giant leap to the real world and into the 21st century. Out of his dark basement which is located somewhere in the neighbourhood of the 17th century.
Odd that there is no mention of Spanish, Portuguese, French or Dutch Imperialism? Nor the actual reasoning behind the attacks by England on the forces of France-in what was to become Canada-The fact they were engaged in a war perhaps?
We would like to offer Mr. Brule this perspective: England attacked French colonies and vice-versa due to the aforementioned war by both Imperial Empires.
France abandoned Quebec at the Treaty of Paris. Where oops!, the author seems to have forgotten some other facts. For example: that Louisiana was ceded to Spain, etc.
He must not have read that far?
But when rewriting history one must omit facts-correct Mr. Brule?
But attempting to argue with someone of an Ernst Zundel-like, historical revisionist mindset-we’re certain is futile.

We are encouraging D.A.A.Q. members, supporters, and Anglophones at home and around the world to pressure the Government of Canada to enforce our hate laws-For international governments to be made aware of the existence of this hate literature and ensure it does not make its way to their borders.
End the sale and distribution of this and all hate literature!

This hate literature is being offered by the company Renaud-Bray, as a “Canadian Essay”. The company offers limited service in English. So best to lodge your concerns regarding their support of the spread of hate literature, in French.
Chapters/Indigo offers this book online. However at the time of our release the Chapters/Indigo website states: “Book is currently unavailable as new”. Chapters/Indigo Home Office: 416-364-4499
Current List of all Canadian Members of Parliament:
Including the Prime Minister, Minster of Justice, Minister of Heritage.
(*We have not included any contacts within the Province of Quebec as there are currently no MLA’s or Parties within the National Assembly that enforce or protect the rights of Anglophone inside Quebec).

For our International members and supporters:
The United States:
The United States Department of Justice:
The U.S. Department of State:
United Kingdom:
Home Office:
Ministry of Justice:
Foreign and Commonwealth Office:
Attorney-Generals Department:
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade:
New Zealand:
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade:
Ministry of Justice:

The D.A.A.Q. appreciates all of your continued national and international support in exposing to the world injustice in Canada.

The D.A.A.Q. is a provincial, national, and international association of Anglophone, Francophone and Allophone Canadians in and from the Province of Quebec; who strive to achieve equality under the provincial laws of Quebec. As well as have our rights as Canadian Citizens enforced without compromise, or hindrance within the Province of Quebec.

Posted in Hate Propaganda | Tagged: , , , , | 24 Comments »

DAAQ Mission Statement

Posted by Membership Admin. on April 17, 2009

It is the mission of the Defense Association of Anglophone Quebec to:


Regain the status as equals for the linguistic minority population in our home Province of Quebec.

Equals in a province where thousands of Anglophone families have lived since prior to the formation of Canada as a nation.

Our home, where our ancestors contributed, lived and died building Quebec’s great cities. Farmed its land, and worked in its factories; side by side with our French speaking brethren.  

Through the medium of the instant communication and globalization age we will expose to the world that the Anglophone communities of Quebec have only two choices. That they are, by law, “change or leave”.

Have our constitutional rights, as Canadians, enforced without condition in The Province of Quebec.


The D.A.A.Q. will:

  • Expose the Government of Quebec to the world for its continued eradication of the Anglophone culture and communities of Quebec.
  • Expose the Government of Canada to the world for abandoning the Anglophone minority of Quebec.
  • End legalized discrimination and unconstitutional enforcement of unilingualism inside the Canadian Province of Quebec.
  • Expose companies, corporations, and businesses that do not acknowledge the Anglophone minority of Quebec.
  • Companies that reject the Anglophone community by taking part in Office of the French Language campaigns to alienate Anglophone business owners and consumers. Companies that refuse to post English signage in Anglophone communities. We will achieve this through exposure to all international consumers as well as new and continued boycotts.
  • Disrupt Quebec nationalists, independentists, sovereigntists spreading of hatred, lies and revisionist history.
  • Expose the violence they glorify and commit. 
  • Expose the harassment of both the French and English speaking communities of Quebec by the elitist, ethnocentric society and laws of Quebec.  
  • Expose these issues from inside and outside Quebec.
  • Promote the unity of a bilingual Canada.


On August 26, 1977 “Bill 101” (The Charter of the French language) became law. This was the darkest day in the history of the Province of Quebec and Canada as a nation. It was the day discrimination became law in a Canadian province.


This legislation has been the symbol of second class citizenship for the linguistic minorities of Quebec for over three decades.

It is time for the entire world to know!


 It is time all of Canada’s provinces and territories are educated.


Educated that the issue isn’t “The French”. It is “Quebec nationalists”. It is persons who profess to be of the “pure language”. That perpetuate and encourage the eradication of linguistic minorities inside the province by asserting the “change or leave” policies of The Charter. Persons that glorify and commit violence, harassment and educate Francophone youth in the ideology of cultural supremacy. Persons that hold the entire province hostage with their tactics of intimidation and bullying of the majority Francophone and minority Anglophone communities of Quebec. In turn create a negative image of the province as a whole.


We will expose through our online network of members and supporters to the entire world that the Quebec nationalists (independentists, sovereigntists, isolationists), are in the minority of the majority inside Quebec. Yet wield influence by the aforementioned tactics of the threat of violence.


We will shame Quebec for allowing ethnocentric policies to continue to exist. And we will shame the federal government for allowing the deprivation of rights to continue inside the province.


We will show the world that federal politicians have long been willing to sacrifice an entire community in order to obtain seats in the House of Commons. (Quebec holds 75 seats. A large portion of these seats are essential in order for a party to obtain a majority under the Canadian Parliamentary system).


The D.A.A.Q. will educate the world to Canada’s “dirty little secret”. The D.A.A.Q. will stand up for equality. We will never rely upon the filtered Canadian media which relies on government grants and yields to federal censorship. The media that would have us labelled a “fringe group”, “extremist” without knowing our mandate or policies. Or even caring for that matter because we are not “status-quo”.


So we will continue to reject the Canadian media for one reason – They have become irrelevant.


Our message:

The Government of Quebec, The Government of Canada, the nationalist groups of Quebec have officially been put on notice.


We are no longer your sacrificial lambs. We are no longer;  “les maudit anglais”, “les traitres” or “les ethniques”!




The D.A.A.Q. is a provincial, national, and international association of Anglophone, Francophone and Allophone Canadians from the Province of Quebec; who strive to achieve equality under the provincial laws of Quebec. As well as have our rights as Canadian Citizens enforced without compromise, or hindrance within the Province of Quebec.

Posted in The DAAQ Mission Statement | 4 Comments »